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Aug 24, 2023
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Intra Workout Fuelling Powered by the Growth Through Innovation Fund

Intra Workout Fuelling Powered by the Growth Through Innovation Fund

The team at Hexis are delighted to share that, by very very popular demand, we will soon be delivering our cutting edge intra workout fuelling product feature helping you will never bonk again. The design, development and delivery of this project was supported by, and would not be possible without, the Growth Through Innovation Fund, which is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund. We at Hexis are very grateful for helping us bring innovations to live!

Now, let's take a quick look at what we’ve been working on during this project to date…

As you all know, the food you eat before, DURING, and after your workouts can have a significant impact on how your body performs, adapts and recovers from exercise. Well, for this project we specifically have been focusing on the “during”. Our Intra Workout Fuelling product feature will understand the demands of your workout (e.g. type, intensity, duration, etc) and recommend how to best fuel your body during the event. This will not only include recommendations about how much carbohydrate you might need to maintain and enhance workout quality, but Intra Workout Fuelling will also provide recommendations for calories, protein and fat, as well as hydration tips.

To make this possible our team have been doing a deep scientific review of the available literature, whilst also working closely with many of the world top sports practitioners and academics. Working together has been a great experience and everyone involved is excited to produce a feature that is ready to take your fuelling to the next level.

Where are we now? Well, our team has a fully operational prototype that is being beta tested by, and optimised with, a range of amazing athletes. Once testing is complete we will be ready to launch and we’re already excited to get this innovation in your hands!

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